Step 7: New Carport

July 2018 

The old carport was first of all, humongous - probably the size of the entire downstairs, if not bigger. Also, it was a flat roof and over the years gathered pine straw and gunk and started to sag and just needed to be redesigned to meet current code. Our contractor wanted to re-use the large metal beam that held up the old carport, but realized in order to pitch the roof, it wouldn't be able to go as far across as it used to, so we got a much smaller, more reasonably sized carport.



You can see how much damage was done by the weight of pine straw and other gunk accumulating on the roof for years.


Note that we also took out that back door and put in a window instead, as this is now the master bedroom. There is now a back entrance into the mudroom on the addition, a "front entrance" on the side into the living room and, the same entry onto the screened in porch on what we call the front of the house - the part that faces the lake. There has been much confusion between us and the contractor, as he keeps calling the side that faces the road the front of the house and we keep calling the part that faces the lake the front of the house. 

There was a bit of concern as that beam was so precariously placed this way for several days, but they eventually fixed it.


Later, when they were re-pouring the concrete pad (step 14), they decided the end posts for the carport needed to be all the way out to the edges and designed a little differently, so they moved them and used wood posts instead of metal, which will later be wrapped in vinyl:


Metal post, and really far in from the edge. You can see the slot for the new post on the left, that's how much difference there will be.


In this one, you can see my dad's handiwork. At some point in the last 30ish years, these weren't super stable, so he put this metal flashing around the bottom and poured concrete in there as like a base. I guess it worked? But they decided to make it a little more sturdy and less homemade looking.


Wooden posts, almost to the edge of the beam. The contractor assures me this means I will able to easily get my van in under there. But he hasn't seen me try to park.


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